Progress Update #37

 The Organizational Update

    This sprint was focused on making organizational changes to the game. Both on the front-end and the back-end.


    The changes here consisted of improvements to the layout of the "Bodies" tab of the overview. The first two came as suggestions from the closed beta.

Copy/Pasting Noise Layers

    With all of the different parameters in a noise layer it can take some time to get exactly the result you want. To mitigate the amount of re-typing values by hand I implemented the ability to copy and paste these values. The overview of the system is essentially that when you hit copy the game will store a reference to that noise layer. When you paste then it will replace the noise layer struct with one created one to one from the copied noise layer.

Duplicating Bodies

    The other suggestion from the beta was to be able to duplicate entire bodies. This would help if the player is making lots of moons or something of the like. It was relatively easy to implement too as I had already had a method for adding a body and all I needed to do was make sure all of the additional settings for the duplicate body got applied.
    To easily copy these properties from the parent body to the duplicate I used a memcpy(). I found this method in a stack overflow thread about a similar issue about copying the variables from one struct to another of the same type. Here's what the whole process looks like in just 3 lines!

Body Systems

    The final front-end change that I made was something I've called "Body Systems". Essentially it just allows the player to better organize the bodies tab. You can group bodies together into a collapsible widget so that if you had a planet with lots of moons they wouldn't all have to take up so much space in the scroll box. I'm not set on the design of the UI but it does work.
    Also, right now you cannot have systems within systems but if there is demand for that feature I may put that in at a later date.


Cleaning Up Asset Loading

    The first part of the back-end organization dealt with cleaning up the asset loading when reloading a save file. Nearing the end of the pre open beta crunch I was really stressed and just threw together a quick fix to get it working and now was the time to make that spaghetti more readable. I did this mainly by condensing the nested loops into its own method. There are still more optimizations to be done to make it work faster and more efficiently (looping through every asset each time isn't exactly ideal) but at least now it's readable.

New Terrestrial Planet Generation

    The other bit of the back-end that changed was the way that terrestrial planets generate their terrain. Before they would just generate once at a set resolution and there was no feedback to the player as to if anything had happened except for the CPU fan ramping up until the generation was done. I decided to remedy this by implementing a stepped resolution generation.
The idea behind it being that the planet would first generate at a low resolution (e.g. 16) to quickly show that something had been changed. Then it would generate again at a higher resolution (e.g. 32) and again and again until it got to the desired resolution. This also means that I don't have to make more buttons in the overview mode which is already getting quite crowded. 


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