Summer Work (Day 11)

In Editor Live Updating pt.3

    Small update for today as all I have done is  partially solved the issue of editing the settings properties within the planet blueprint. It's not as I would have hoped but in time I think I can manage it. 
    Basically, I wanted the settings to be editable within the planet blueprint so that I would be able to save that data asset and choose between previous settings. Right now I can edit the settings within the blueprint but I cannot choose between data assets. All this has been done with a combination of property and class specifiers.
    I started out with property specifiers on the settings variables. With the specifiers EditAnywhere and BlueprintReadWrite I was able to set the data asset used, which was half of what I wanted. I added the Instanced specifier and that allowed me to edit the properties of the data asset, but simultaneously took away my ability to choose between data assets. I don't know if this is intentional behavior for this specifier, but it was really annoying only being able to have one of the two parts working. 
    Eventually in this AnswerHub thread I found the EditInline class specifier that I could add to the data asset itself. This... kind of worked. It made the blueprint selection dropdown show one asset (instead of zero), but also would not allow you to save the changes because you were editing the instance in line (that's just a guess I don't actually know). For now it seems my best bet is to stick with this system and manually copy any properties that I want to save for future use.


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