Corona-cation (Day 11)

Git Commit: ????

"Added Sharpshooter stamina, Fixed PlagueDoctor targeting"

Added Sharpshooter stamina:

    I haven't been given much to do so I decided to go back to something that I left from earlier. I was told earlier that the sharpshooter would have limited stamina. Before today though stamina was unlimited. It wasn't too hard though, I used this video as a starting point and went from there. The video talked about the timers and that was all I was missing from before. The final system will let you run to empty and stop sprinting there or deplete the stamina some fraction and charge up back to full. This is the final stamina system:

    After that was done I had to have some way of conveying this to the player. I went into the first person HUD and just repurposed the cleric's mana bar as a stamina bar for the sharpshooter. But instead of making a duplicate I just had the same bar display mana if it was the cleric and stamina if it was the sharpshooter. This reduced clutter on the widget editor and made everything easier.

Fixed PlagueDoctor targeting:

    I realized while running around as the sharpshooter that if I died to the Plague Doctor he wouldn't leave me alone after he had already killed me. All I did to fix this was to check if the player was alive before attacking and if not then clear the enemy BB key. This is what that function looks like:

    I'm not super satisfied with this solution as there are three functions on all three attacks and I would like for there to be one check earlier in the tree. It works for now though.

Git Commit: ????

    So I may have fudged up the source control by accident. Yesterday when I committed the Plague Doctor prototype sourcetree said I had a "detached head". I looked it up and created a new branch to commit to and then push. That worked yesterday but now I can't push at all which is why the commit for today is ????. I still have a local commit though so I hope I can find a solution very soon.


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