10/21 - 12/9
Oct 21 - Dec 9 A lot of time has passed since I have explained what I have been doing. Many things have happened over the last month and a half. I have worked on the AI monster, the environment, VR physics, optimization, and about all other pieces of game-play for Trespasser. 1) AI The major changes and challenges here had to do with just being able to see what the monster is actually doing. The VR display cuts off important AI variable values when in VR mode. This means that many print strings and draw debugs were used to visually comprehend what the monster was thinking. There weren't any game breaking issues with the monster other than the animation being jittery and frantic at times. I was also able to completely flesh out the different stages of the AI and his abilities at each stage. To do this there were lots of switch on Enum nodes that would dictate what the monster could do at each stage. Edit 12/12: Much of the AI s...